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EduClasses®National CFPM Exam & Training

News from EduClasses®

EduProctors Signing Up From Around the Nation!
EduProctors Signing Up From Around the Nation!
FMC Food Managers Certification has taken hold of the Instructor and Proctor community!

Since the launch of FMC Food Managers Certification, www.FoodManagersCertification.com, there have been a massive amount of Proctors and Instructors applying and being approved as EduProctors.  

To name just a few of the proctors and instructors includes:

Plus, we have over 20 more instructors and proctors in application and within the EduProctor Training process! 

If you are interested in becoming an EduProctor so you can proctor the ANAB-CFP FMC exams, please go to www.educlasses.org/eduproctor to sign up  and get started.