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Proctor Examination Agreements

Administration Rules Agreement

Examinee Examination Consent

I agree to follow the following FMC® Food Managers Certification exam administration rules:

  1. I understand that proper photo identification is required for me to take the FMC® Food Managers Certification examination. I understand that if I do not have the proper identification the Test Administrator/Proctors may prevent me from entering the testing area.
  2. I understand that admittance to the testing area is prohibited once the examination has begun. I understand that if I arrive late the Test Administrator/Proctors may prevent me from entering the testing area.
  3. I understand the Test Administrator/Proctors at my exam site are responsible for maintaining a secure examination site, and may take any reasonable actions for the proper administration of the exam.
  4. I understand that communicating with other examinees is a violation of FMC® Food Managers Certification exam administration rules, and I agree to not communicate with others who are taking the exam.
  5. I understand the Test Administrator/Proctors have the right to assign seats to all examinees, and may reassign seats before or during the exam.
  6. I acknowledge that my only purpose taking this examination is to become a Certified Food Protection Manager.
  7. I understand it is a violation of FMC® Food Managers Certification exam administration rules to take any examination materials from the exam site, and I agree not do so.
  8. I understand it is a violation of FMC® Food Managers Certification exam administration rules to copy any examination materials, and I agree not do so.
  9. I understand it is a violation of FMC® Food Managers Certification exam administration rules to give examination questions or answers to others, and I agree not do so.
  10. I understand it is a violation of FMC® Food Managers Certification exam administration rules to bring any external device capable of recording sound or written material into the testing area, and I agree not do so.

Security Agreement

I hereby acknowledge and consent to the confiscation by the Test Administrator/Proctor of any external device capable of recording sound or written material, which is found in my possession during the administration of a FMC® Food Manager Certification CFPM exam. I understand that such a device may be sent to Food Managers Certification for review. I understand that if FMC® Food Managers Certification identifies any test-related material on the device, FMC® Food Managers Certification may remove such materials from the device before returning it to me. I understand that any confiscated device may be relinquished to law enforcement personnel for prosecution. I understand any such confiscated device will be returned to me by FMC® Food Managers Certification once its review is complete or within 30 days from the date of the exam, whichever is sooner.

I hereby indemnify and hold harmless FMC® Food Managers Certification for any claims relating to the confiscation of such external device taken under the conditions above described (excepting gross negligence or intentional misconduct).

I understand that violation of the above stated rules may result in the invalidation of my examination score, the refusal to score my examination, the revocation of my certification (without refund or credit toward a future examination), and possible legal proceedings to recover costs associated with compromised examination questions.

I certify that all the information provided on my Food Protection Manager Exam answer sheet is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If I become certified and wish to continue being certified as a Food Protection Manager, I understand that I must retake and pass the examination at least once every five years (some jurisdictions or employers may require more frequent examinations).

Code of Conduct Agreement

I understand that my integrity must always be above reproach, and I will conduct myself in such a manner to reflect honor upon my profession. I will lead by example to promote an ethical work environment within my organization, industry, and community. I will conduct my relationships with clients and co-workers with honesty and fairness, and reliably perform the duties required by my profession.

  • I will be truthful.
  • I will promote a spirit of cooperation among my co-workers and in all my working relationships.
  • I will adhere to the all applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to my industry.
  • I will pursue excellence in all aspects of my profession.
  • I will practice the highest level of food safety within the industry, and encourage and promote such practices within my organization.
  • I will interact with clients, co-workers, vendors and all other work relationships equally, without regard to religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, or disability.
  • I will not misrepresent my qualifications or the qualifications of my associates, nor will I allow anyone else to misrepresent those qualifications.
  • I will observe all laws, rules and regulations regarding proper care for the environment.
  • I will observe all laws, rules and regulations regarding the safety, health, and well-being of the general public.
  • I understand my industry is constantly evolving and I will strive to stay current and competent as the industry changes.
  • I understand the certificates, logos, course processes, WebItems® Software and marks are property of DSBWorldWide, Inc. dba EduClasses®.
  • I will uphold and follow all policies and procedures required by FMC® Food Managers Certification.

Updated: 5/10/2024